Business Credit Has No Affiliation with Personal Credit

Business credit is credit in a business name, linked to the business’s EIN number. This is credit which a business owner can get which is not linked to their SSN. When built right, you don’t supply your SSN on the application, meaning there is no personal guarantee to get this kind of EIN credit.

When you apply for something like an auto loan, the lending institution pulls your personal credit using your name, address, and social security number.
The lender sends this information to the consumer credit reporting
agencies. Then they supply the lender a credit report with all
information they have relating to someone with a similar name,
address, and SSN.

With this type of credit, an inquiry then goes on your consumer
credit report, and your report is used to make the lending decision.
Plus, the credit you get will then be reported to the consumer
reporting agencies.
When you apply for something like a business loan, the lending
institution pulls your business credit using your name, address, and
EIN number.